Jesus endorses INTERMITTENT FASTING.  At, least, SPIRITUAL intermittent fasting.  Here's a definition to consider: fasting is an affliction you do to yourself to prepare yourself for a possible future benefit.

He says that it is like making a new wineskin.  Getting it ready.  Preparing the vessel.  Then, HE is in charge of the possible filling.  The whole process denotes a humbling, a coming down, a physical mourning that hungers for His filling.  He is in charge of the wine.

The Jews fasted AT LEAST once a year.  Perhaps that can be our criteria: did you fast at least once last year?  Did you SPIRITUALLY fast once this year?  We lose weight to hopefully acquire a future benefit of health, appearance and increased enjoyment of activities.  We spiritually fast to humble ourselves to become more satisfied in Him. 

Finally, this is the day for fasting.  That is, there will be no fasting in heaven!  He tells us that it is inappropriate to fast at a wedding feast with the bridegroom present.   So perhaps today is a call to GET BUSY fasting.  Thank you for considering this.  Please share this podcast with the skinniest person you know. to subscribe.