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If you only KNEW what God has been up to.  He's been preparing a gift.  It is preplanned, thought out and is ready to be delivered.  You however, have been oblivious.  You'll be surprised about all that went into the GIFT.  You'll be humbled as to the cost and the preparation.

The woman at the well, the Samaritan woman receives this gift for us.  Spiritual people have LONGED for this moment for thousands of years.  She gets it in a way that from her perspective is SUDDEN.  It is really not, because the gift has been planned since the beginning of time.  Do you really thing the fall of mankind was a surprise to God?

She (and we) have a failure of PERCEPTION.  She (and we) are surprised at the gift .  She (and we) are not well acquainted with the WHO. 

If we only knew that the GIFT IS the WHO.  Please share after you listen.  Re-post if you are listening on facebook or twitter or linked in,  Thanks for listening.