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If you could ask God for anything...

Of course I am all about me and my interests and my people and my church in my prayers.  But wait, there's MORE!  In today's passage hints at the underlying key to our success in prayer.  

Guess what?  It is not about me.  It is WAY above my pay grade.

It is that God is a hearer.
It is that God is an answerer.
It is that God and Son and Spirit are having a fellowship Trinity-party where each one accurately assesses the terrific-ness of each other
It is that within this party that my puny requests are offered with the full force of One of the Trinity to another
It is that Jesus WENT AWAY.
It is that Jesus went away to INTERCEED.  He LIVES for it.
It is that The Holy Spirit is going to be seriously involved in the forthcoming passages.

So here is my impact today.  Am I all about God's GLORY? His unfettered being, existence, His I AM, and His identity?

If I could ask God for anything, would it be for HIS GLORY?  Listen and wonder with me.  Then share this podcast.