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On Page 14 of my Bible, the Lord tells Abraham that "in him all families of the earth are going to be blessed." Today, in we find out exactly HOW the Lord plans to pull this off.

Peter in a speech that will be interrupted by his arrest, pleads with his Jewish audience.  He tells them not to FORGET WHO THEY ARE.  You are SONS OF THE PROPHETS.  Well, what do they have to say about this era and this Jesus?  They point to Jesus.  Moses? Yes. Samuel? Yes. Abraham? Yes.  How many of them? ALL of them.

This is how you physical sons of Abraham are going to be parents to the SPIRITUAL SONS of Abraham...through faith in Jesus.

These are the LAST DAYS, but I have been telling you about it from the FIRST DAYS, at least since page 14.  Listen 7 minutes today and approve the concept yourself.