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Join me today as we tackle ELECTION.  Here's my (knuckleheaded podcaster) understanding of it: Election is God saying to us, "Hey, I've been thinking about you."  and "I am FOR YOU."  And "BTW,  I've been thinking about you BEFORE (calling, foreknowledge) DURING (justification) and AFTER(conforming to image of Christ all the way to glory) your moment of salvation."

On the day of my salvation, I was surprised. I did not expect to yield or even to need God.  You know who WASN'T SURPRISED on the day of my salvation? God.  He had been at work for a long long time before that.

I LOVE that God had been thinking about me; that He was at work; that He was FOR ME; that He groans for me now.

The language of God's LOVE is ELECTION.  The heart of election is God's love.  We should love Him for it. Spotify Audible Podcaster Apple