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Here are some highlights of the book of Galatians:

if the people in your church have disputes, then Galatians is the book for youGod is PLEASED to reveal HimselfFaith is DIRECTIONAL. Faith is important. The OBJECT of the faith is CRITICALPaul majors on two things that are NOT TRUE: that he(Paul) has been crucified and that he(Paul) is not alive. Abraham is a good example of faith and a bad example when he takes matters into his own pantsIt is ESSENTIAL that the cross be offensive.everybody wants the fruit of love, joy, peace patience, etc.there is no fruit without the FIGHT.  The fruit of the FIGHT is love, joy, etc.when things blow up, what do we do?  Elon Musk will tell us5 chapters: get rid of OLD LAW. 1 chapter: fulfill the "law of Christ" to love the brethren in some very specific, sacrificial, other-centered ways.

Thank you for being here for one blurb. The main idea here is that you "be with me" as we "be with Him" on a daily basis. The meat of this is in the 7 minute PODCAST.  Listen in the shower or when you get in the car or with your Cheerios.