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Those who posted a guard around the dead guy were right about one thing:  Resurrection is a big deal.  Either it is true, or it is not.  They help us here by posting a guard.  They assure us that the disciples did NOT steal any dead body.  They actually give credence to the fact that Jesus really does rise. They were, as all Roman guards do, "guarding with their life."

Not that the disciples were much to worry about.  100% of them fled from Jesus.  Peter came back only to deny him 3x because a young girl spoke to him.  John does come back within hearing distance of the cross.  Otherwise, they are scattered, betraying, denying, disorganized, and in hiding.  (The women are the heroes! Spoiler! Come back tomorrow!)

So yes, resurrection is serious business.  Either Jesus is who He says He is or not.  He either rises or not.  Like He says to Martha: "I am the resurrection and the life.." or He is not.  

This is the greatest thriller of all time.  Let's see what happens.  Stay tuned. Either He will rise, or you can cancel your subscription to this podcast that you got on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or at I will meet you at the tomb (with the women) tomorrow.