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God was "unjust." God was unjust just one time. Jesus was innocent and received wrath. For those that receive Him, it is the great rescue.  You don't want real justice for your sins. This is the best deal in all of history.  It is the great exchange.

Hear about a guy who SPURNS the Son; PROFANES the Blood; and MOCKS the Spirit of Grace.  In short, he says, "I'm rejecting the rescue operation of God.  I'll take my own penalty on my head." Rather than drawing near to the throne of grace, he insults the whole process.  He rejects the justice offered to him by the "injustice" God put on Jesus. 

Receive the rescue, not the wrath.  God made a way. It involved the most unjust punishment of perfect Jesus for imperfect sinners. What a great God! Apple Podcasts, Spotify. Subscribe, comment and share.