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The gospel eventually has to "go on the road from Jerusalem."  It first goes with Philip to Samaria.  It is there where we find what happens when "self-greatness" gets swallowed up by REAL GREATNESS.

Simon is a real  guy who thinks he is really something.  In fact, people around him think so too. But what happens when the junior-great-amazer encounters the REAL-GREAT-AMAZER? He is among the first people from a "foreign country" (is any country really foreign to the good news?) to hear the good news of God's greatness in the new way of Jesus.

Simon does NOT turn into a perfect person in an instant.  He will make a BIG MISTAKE tomorrow.  But for today, we see him EMPTY HIS POCKETS of his greatness and FILL HIS POCKETS of real greatness and of the real GREAT ONE.

Listen today for 7 minutes as we see what happens when so-called greatness runs smack dab into REAL GREATNESS.  Subscribe, follow, like, find us on Spotify, etc.