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My gift to you this Christmas is MURDERERS, adulterers, the unkind, those of the wrong political party, from the wrong country, of the wrong color, wrong language, and of the evil sort.  In short, I am going to give you KNUCKLEHEADS for Christmas.

It is the best Christmas gift you'll ever get! This is the body of Christ.  These are His people.  By receiving it, you say God is THIS BIG: Big enough to welcome home sinners of LARGE sins.  Ironically, YOU NEED these people in your life.  There are no further scriptural examples of alone Christians.  It is an uncomfortable, inconvenient truth that God saves the UNRIGHTEOUS, and the evil.

Ananias has a big decision to make regarding the bad-guy-Saul.  God says he is IN.  What does Ananias say?  BROTHER Saul. Ananias got world's worst knucklehead for Christmas.  My gift to you is some knucklehead that the Lord has dragged into His kingdom as a gift to you in fellowship.  Go find this brother or sister!  Then send them this podcast.