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When the church GATHERS, leaders are shooting for something.  Their goals are order, building up, learning and encouragement.  This doesn't happen by accident.  

A theme of how this is accomplished is by LIMITATION.  In today's passage, Paul is going to put limits on the gathering:

it is limited by purpose (to get to order, learning, encouragment, conviction, etc.)it is limited by command (Paul says this stuff is not opinion, but is from the Lord)it is limited by preparation (I like that everybody is getting ready beforehand)it is limited by time (too much of any one thing does not serve the purpose)it is limited by discernment (leaders are discerning what is being spoken)it is limited by office (leaders are putting their efforts toward this)it is limited by gifting (prophets should be doing the prophesying.  We are not flying by the seat of our pants here)it is limited by gender (there are defined male female roles)

Listen to these limited 7 minute podcasts as a part of your spiritual morning. or any podcast provider, instagram, linked in, truth, Facebook, etc.