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Today I try to make an argument AGAINST washing other's feet.  Specifically, I don't want to be involved in any unclean, warty, smelly, deformed, degenerated or ugly feet.  Give me the beautiful, the swift, and the easy feet.  Are there such things?

I'll start with arguments of ignorance, we'll see how the Lord does against my protests.  You can guess who has the better case.

Here is the WONDER part of today.  Jesus KNEW Judas was going to betray him in a few hours.  AND YET, HE WASHES HIS FEET.  Also, when Jesus says follow my example, and do what I do, He SPECIFICALLY does NOT EXCLUDE one of the worst guys in human history. What?!?!?!?!  Jesus doesn't let us get away with "selective service" in identifying only the beautiful feet.

The challenge is to be like Jesus.  With Jesus' example and teaching, who on earth should we, or even COULD we reasonably exclude?  His church today is to be a blanket of service, love and care over all nasty feet everywhere.  Listen and see if you could be doing something differently.  

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