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Paul says he'd give up his most valuable thing so that his ethnic brothers and sisters would become his FAITH brothers and sisters.  He praises the Jews as occupying an honored place in history:

The "First Nation" status with God. Adopted into His family first.Glory getters. First to see some of God's unique characteristics revealedCovenant makers. At least God kept His end of the deals.Even Jesus comes from this ethnic lineage.  He saves the world.First worshippers in the way God desired and prescribed.

They Are an ethnic nation that PROMISES were delivered.  God says:

you get ME. I am the prizeyou get to be heir to an army not so much from your loins as your faithYour FAITH is going to COUNT when it really shouldn't

Stay tuned as God counts a people who don't deserve it as if they are a people that do. Spotify Podcaster Apple