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Sometimes things blow up in Rockets and in the Church.  The big question is what do you do just AFTER something blows up.  Do you freak out and shut the doors?  Everybody cries and goes home?  Or, do you engage a process of restoration to return us to our valuable main goal?

SpaceX has a terminology for Rocket EXPLOSIONS: Rapid Unscheduled Disassemblies (RUDs).  They have had a few.  They ask the question time and time again, "Is our goal worth the trouble of the restoration process to get us back on track?"

There are failures in the church.  It is made up of mostly people.  We should not be surprised. (I sometimes hear people be surprised at this reality. "The people of the church failed me."  Of course they did. They are people.) So then, what happens next? We don't celebrate costly explosions in the church.  We do what it tells us in Gal 6:1: engage in a process of restoration.  Don't be surprised. This is important. Of course sometimes things blow up.  We have a plan for that.  It is one of restoration.  email and I'll send you the podcast daily.