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Jesus ends a very pesky section of Scripture with the the even peskier, "You therefore must be  PERFECT..." Rather than this leading us to pride,  Listen today as it leads us to our KNEES.

Perfect= mature, complete, not lacking any moral quality, fully developed.  It assumes not a magical end point, but more of a PROCESS of growth, a PROCESS of maturity, and a PROCESS of development.

So this section has some great topics to pick in which we may be not quite perfect as an endpoint.  They are anger, lust, marriage, truth telling, retaliation, and love.  Rather than discouragement in identifying your own imperfection in one of those categories, this must lead us to desperation.  I don't sense any pride in this passage.  I sense process that leads to desperation. 

Where do I find such people who understand this passage of "you must be perfect?"  Do I find them strutting around in pride? no.  I find them on their KNEES, in desperation, in process, in assessment, in grief and in training.  Join me for 7 minutes please.  Share this with the most imperfect person you know.  [email protected] to subscribe.