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Justin Bieber just sold his music catalog for $200 million; the Boss Bruce Springsteen for $500 million.  I wonder how much DAVID's musical catalogue is worth?  He wrote 75 of the 150 psalms so we already have his catalog published.

It is here in his music where the two prominent features of David come together:

his "heart": "I have found in David a man after My heart"his FAITH: "what David does with the Person of God while he waits for the promises of God to be revealed."

David makes the top of the HEART list and the top of the FAITH list.  If you want to find out how David is thinking about God before he sees God, GO TO HIS MUSIC CATALOG. The Lord is my shepherd (ps. 23), What is man that You are mindful of him? (ps.8), The heavens declare the glory of the Lord (ps. 19). I think we'd find a heart to follow here in this collection. I'll bet it is worth much more than Bieber; than Springsteen.

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