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Anyone outside of FELLOWSHIP is in CRISIS.  There is essentially NO SUCH THING in the functioning Body of Christ. Fellowship is defined today as sitting KNEE TO KNEE with those in His church. When Saul is converted, he has no Christian friends.  ZERO.  Nada.

In fact, he's been arresting those who "call on His name."  Technically, Saul should arrest himself, but that is another matter.  What the picture to take home today is Saul, blind, hungry, thirsty and ALONE.  He's one of the only guys in history to get SAVED OUTSIDE the body of Christ; outside of the functioning Church.  Looking at him before he gets connected with the Church is such a poignant tableau.  We would do best to stare at it for a moment.

Are you outside of His body of believers?  Do you sit KNEE TO KNEE with people at church?  If you are just sitting shoulder to shoulder, you are doing exactly ½ of what you are supposed to be doing. You are ½ of Saul sitting there hungry, thirsty, and ALL ALONE.  

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