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John says, "BEHOLD the RHINOCEROS of God."  No, he does not.  It makes no sense.  How then does, "Behold the LAMB of God" make any more sense than Rhino?  Well, absent what the Bible tells us about the history and future of the lamb/Lamb, it makes no more sense than a rhino. 

Lambs are in the Bible from almost the first page.  God provides a lamb for Abraham rather than sacrificing his son Isaac.  Lambs are the symbol and the blood provider for the Passover (the real one) and the food for the remembrance of the Passover from then on.  Everybody had to have one and sacrifice it at exactly the same time all across the country.  They help to remember the favor, the presence, the activity and the choice of God.

Lambs are in the Bible in the future.  In fact, Jesus Himself is called the Lamb.  The word actually gets a Capital LETTER in reference to Jesus.  Read on, but the Lamb gets a SONG, Worship, falling down before Him, a throne, a river, unique powers, a marriage with the Church, and a big wedding party.

So, when John says, "Behold the Lamb of God," it means so much more than a Rhino. Listen 7 minutes and appreciate the history and the future!  Then share this podcast.  Thanks.