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Could you say, "Become as I am."?  That is, could you tell your young mentee to be like yourself? With a PERIOD at the end of the sentence? Paul did.  We'll explore this concept by making a few exceptions. Perhaps we'd say something more like this:

Become like I am EXCEPT...

for the way I drive.  Other people are just idiots.for my giving habits.  I give some. The rest is mine.for my church going habits.  Do you know how messy they are in there?for my discipline of consuming food or drink.  I like a big buzz.for my areas of sensuality.  You don't want what goes through my head or my zipper going through yoursfor my heart for the unsaved. That's what pastors are for.for my tongue.  I just say what I want.for my devotion to serving.  Do you have any idea how busy I am?for my anger.  All my people are angry people.  Deal with it.for my love.  Nope.  that doesn't characterize my life.

There is a Big challenge today in being like Paul.  Let's just SAY IT out loud to my imaginary young believer:  BE LIKE ME EXCEPT... 

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