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Talk about raising the bar!  At the almost 11th hour of Jesus' life He drops a bomb of LOVE.  A LOVE-BOMB.  Love has been in the relationship of God to man and man to man since time started.  So it is nothing new, except for one thing:  Now you are supposed to love one another AS I HAVE LOVED YOU.

So how high is that bar?  Steadfast. Sacrificial. Til the end. Unto death if necessary.

So high in fact, that everybody is supposed to NOTICE, and even KNOW that you are associated with GOD HIMSELF. 

Interested?  If not, then here's yet another kick in the pants:  It is a commandment.  It takes place on "Maundy Thursday". This is the Thursday evening that is a critical part of the "24 hours".  Maundy is the Latin word for COMMANDMENT.  It is COMMANDMENT THURSDAY.  It is a commandment of love.  It is a commandment to "love like Me"

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