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After the resurrection all four gospels have a commissioning.  The disciples get a JOB and a BENEFIT PACKAGE to facilitate the successful completion of that job.  The Job is to go and expand the borders of an invisible kingdom.  Go to the edge of the spiritual wilderness and push the invisible border around a probably uncooperative knucklehead.  Make the kingdom a little bigger by enveloping that person in a blob by belief.  

This of course is IMPOSSIBLE.  This is a miraculous, invisible, improbable process that no amount of arguing will accomplish.  We have a task.  We have a job.  We have a part.  We have some faithfulness to enact.  But it is way above our pay grade.  God MUST WORK.  A neat passage in 2 Cor 3:5-6 says we are insufficient and not competent for this job, absent the Holy Spirit. 

So in the sending, there is an equipping with the Holy Spirit. This cannot be underestimated.  The world has been waiting for this busting out of the Holy Spirit since Adam and Eve got kicked out of the garden!!! The benefits are access, intimacy, indwelling, decentralization of location, open minds, open eyes, conviction, guidance, truth, helping, Helper, not leaving us as orphans, and God making His home with us now.  

You'd best desire this if you haven't yet.  You'd best desire more of this if you have. Thank you for sharing this message with someone on either side of that border.