Episode 53: In this episode, host Angie Gust talks about taurine.  You may not have heard of it- but good for you if you have! Taurine is a sulfur bearing amino acid that's present in relatively large amounts in several of our body's organs, like the heart and brain. In fact, it accounts for roughly 50-60% of the free amino acid pool in your body, which means it  does a lot.  It is mostly in meats so if you are a vegan or vegetarian it may be hard for you to get enough! But there are supplements. A new study in the prestigious journal Science found that taurine supplementation can be a key part of healthy aging. Now turning to the environment. It makes sense for all of us to focus on the effects of climate change on our children and their children. Did you know that the Save the  Children website is highlighting the climate crisis?  They note that the climate crisis magnifies inequality, poverty, and displacement and may increase the likelihood of conflict. They further state that 90% of diseases resulting from the climate crisis are likely to affect children under the age of five. And by 2050, 24 million more children are projected to be undernourished. We have to elect climate change solution leaders.


Gelles, D. July 18, 2023. Al Gore on Extreme Heat and the Fight Against Fossil Fuels. NY Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/18/climate/al-gore-on-extreme-heat-and-the-fight-against-fossil-fuels.html

Guy, A. July 13, 2023. Oil and gas production https://www.dailyclimate.org/oil-and-gas-pollution-2662272450/health-impacts-from-oil-and-gas-production

Peterson, B and Arasu, S. July 20, 2023. Solar panels on water canals seem like a no-brainer. So why aren't they widespread?  https://www.abqjournal.com/ap/solar-panels-on-water-canals-seem-like-a-no-brainer-so-why-arent-they-widespread/article_a7ea502e-7578-5cf6-a508-34eb72b2b522.html

Save the Children.  The Climate Crisis. https://www.savethechildren.org/us/what-we-do/emergency-response/climate-change#:~:text=By%202050%2C%20a%20further%2024,increasingly%20severe%20and%20prolonged%20droughts.

Sierra Club. 100 things you can do to save the planet. https://www.sierraclub.org/toiyabe/100-things-you-can-do-save-planet

Singh,P. et al. 2023. Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging. VOL. 380, NO. 6649 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn9257