Join Michael as he welcomes Psychic Jennifer Sieck to the show.

Psychic Jenniver Sieck joins Michael for an amazing show! Unlike psychics that focus primarily on divination and prediction Inner Voice Intuitive offers a heart centered approach, as well as a great intuitive openness that helps clients open up to their soul path more deeply, clearly and readily. 

As a practicing intuitive tarot reader, tarot teacher and Jungian focused Intuitive Counselor I offer my intuitive gifts to help you discover your unique soul path by helping you learn to 

recognize your higher self. I can gently tap into your energies and help you recognize choices and possibilities that will lead to greater inspiration, clarity, creativity and focus, while gently letting go of more outmoded stories and karma. 

I am clairsentient (clear feeling), clairaudient (clear hearing) and clairvoyant (clear seeing). I believe we are all innately intuitive beings looking to refine and grow that connection back to source.