Join me and my guest Jacob Cooper.  Jacob will be our guest tonight to talk about Life After Death. Jacob Cooper, LMSW, CH, RMT is passionate to help out those who are called tohim from many different angles. One of Jacob's greatest joy is also about sharing his Near Death Experience that he had at 5 years old. One of his missions in life is to clarify answers to questions that have dawned upon man forever which is "what happens when we die".

Through evedential experience, Jacob is passionate about assisting and clarifying questions to such burning questions. Jacob speaks on a national and international basis and has been featured in magazine articles such as "Lightworkers Advocate Magazine" as well as "Afterlife Connect Magazine". Jacob has been featured on cable television programs such as "The Grace Grella Show" and the "Phoenix Rising Show". He is also a repeat guest on online radio programs and has notably ben a guest on Sandra Champlain's "We Don't Die Radio".  

Jacob has been invited to present at the International Association for Near Death Studies convention held in Westminster, CO August, 2017. Jacob is a repeat guest speaker at Adelphi University where he runs Meditation and Hypnosis classes and workshops for students and faculty and has also spoken at local libraries. When Jacob is not at the podium speaking he provides counseling sessions as a full time Licensed Social Worker and also sees private clients for Hypnosis sessions as well as Reiki