In this episode, Steve Fretzin and Jim Ries discuss:

Gaining trust to earn business. The power in curiosity. Warm introductions, follow-up, and being interested rather than interesting. Be consistent, be active, and be engaged. 


Key Takeaways:

The key ingredient is trust in doing business with another person or organization. Prospecting doesn’t have to be a huge time suck. Ask those who are already connected with those you want to connect to for a warm introduction. Coach those who are introducing you so the table is set in a way that is a benefit to everyone involved. Staying top of mind with those you are connecting with is key. 


"I decided that I was going to double down on my marketing and look for opportunities to get in front of the people that I want to be in front of. And the only way to get in front of people that you want to be in front of, is to create your own event." —  Jim Ries


Connect with Jim Ries:  


Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 410-733-6133



Connect with Steve Fretzin:

LinkedIn: Steve Fretzin

Twitter: @stevefretzin

Facebook: Fretzin, Inc.


Email: [email protected]

Book: The Ambitious Attorney: Your Guide to Doubling or Even Tripling Your Book of Business and more!

YouTube: Steve Fretzin

Call Steve directly at 847-602-6911



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

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