Ba da. Ba da. Bum bum bum bum bum. Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the movies, Hollywood (and China) releases a new shark picture—and it commands the summer box office! Chance and Noah use this as an opportunity (as if they needed a better reason) to talk Sharks that Aren’t “Jaws” one more time: this summer’s "The Meg", "Open Water" (2003) and Johannes Roberts’ "47 Meters Down” (2017).

They’re joined by author and “The Meg” enthusiast Caroline Moss to explain the simple pleasures of the summer blockbuster without deeper meaning or politics. Chance and Noah are a bit more critical, but what else is new? Highlights of this week’s ep: Chance claiming he can name 20 kinds of sharks, Noah being pretty skeptical of the bends, and Mandy Moore getting jacked up on nitrogen.