A lot's happened since they've been out: families befriended, families hoodwinked, families pressing murder charges. This week, we watch over the eerie, difficult-to-pull-off genre of coma movies, including The Big Sick (2017), While You Were Sleeping (1995), and Reversal Of Fortune (1990). 

We begin with the new autobiographical comedy from Kumail Nanjiani and Emily Gordon, The Big Sick. Noah and author/client Nick White saw the movie together in New York last month, so Nick digs into The Big Sick on our air, discussing the film's take on conservative families, guilt, confronting who you are, and how it all resonates alongside his new novel. Then, your hosts rate The Big Sick and work through Noah's skepticism. 

At 38 minutes, they move onto While You Were Sleeping, an early Sandra Bullock rom-com that everyone seems to have seen just once. There could be a reason for that: memorable premise, haphazard movie.

Then, at the 53-minute mark, we send this episode to bed with a discussion of the little-remembered, ripped-from-the-headlines drama Reversal Of Fortune. In this film, the person in the coma gets a voice, and the things vegetative heiress Sunny Von Bülow says about her husband convicted of attempted murder are quite scandalous. 

It's an hour of bedside manner that's all over the damn place. Find us at @bereelpod on Twitter.