Do you ever stop and look at a New Yorker cartoon or a sardonic comic book and wonder, "Huh! I wonder what sort of deviant mind would create this"? Lucky for you, dear listener, there are at least three movies about such people--one fiction, two biopics. This week, with the release of Gus Van Sant's "Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot" (about the late John Callahan), Chance and Noah look at movies about cynical cartoonists: Harvey Pekar in "American Splendor" and fictional writing duo Holden McNeil and Banky Edwards in "Chasing Amy."

And big news! We got Gus Van Sant himself on for an interview (20:05-mark) --talking John Callahan, Joaquin Phoenix and the late Robin Williams. So stop doodling and give a listen!