Few instances invite “based on a true story” films like individuals amid massive conspiracies and cover-ups stepping up to the plate and blowing the whistle. Edward Snowden knows it. And Oliver Stone really wants you to know it in his 2016 Snowden biopic.

We begin the show in conversation with GQ culture writer Scott Meslow, discussing his recent piece on Snowden’s ascendance as a blockbuster theme and token, and whether there’s a real conversation about surveillance happening in films like SPECTRE, JASON BOURNE or even Oliver Stone’s SNOWDEN. At 17:00, Chance and Noah turn a watchful eye on SNOWDEN, assessing why and how these whistleblower movies aren’t good at depicting home lives and also, what are you doing here, Nic Cage?

At 31:00, we move to 2000’s ERIN BROCKOVICH (currently on Netflix) and chat about why this is quintessential Julia Roberts and Steven Soderbergh. Then, at 45:00, we wrap up with 1999’s THE INSIDER, which is Al Pacino and Russell Crowe taking on Big Tobacco. Like so many Michael Mann movies, it’s stylish, admirable, and tough on your ideas of how movies should entertain and unfold. (It’s currently on HBO.) Find all episodes of our show at bereelpodcast.com and follow Scott Meslow at twitter.com/scottmeslow.

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