Losing someone you love can be the most difficult thing you ever had the experience of life. Regaining your positivity after a tragic loss can be a challenge in itself. In order to regain your positivity, you have to understand that life is short and it is not forever. Always remember to keep the spirit alive with the person that you love because their energy still exists.

Excepting a lost a loved one can be difficult but life goes on as they say. Don't let your whole life be about grieving because the person you lost would not want that. Focus on your life your goals in your dreams and don't forget the reason you're here on this earth. You were put here to learn how to love and how to get back.

Having the drive and the willpower to continue is what you must do to keep moving forward in life.

Keep your thoughts on target with your goals and dreams and do not let others tamper with them at all. Stay on your defined path towards your goal and let no one derail you.


Please tell me your story, tell me how positivity is impacting your life, or how you think it's just out of reach. What can I do to help?

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