"The Attitude of Gratitude", great phrase. Are you grateful for what you have or are you envious of others? Gratitude is one of the emotions that puts you in a positive state of mind. It energizes the universe and attracts the things you hold in your mind and the pictures of your life, of your future.

Being grateful for what you have, release all negativity towards others who might have more than you. Envy is such a negative emotion. It will gobble up all your positivity, all your energy and all the good that is yours. The "good stuff" is out there. It's already yours, you just have to ask for ut. You have to believe you deserve it. You have to magnetize your thoughts and energize your mind with the belief that what you want is already yours. Then be prepared to receive it.

Life is meant to be abundant. Riches, happiness, love they're all meant for every single person, so get yours. You deserve it!

Keep your thoughts on target with your goals and dreams and do not let others tamper with them at all. Stay on your defined path towards your goal and let no one derail you.


Please tell me your story, tell me how positivity is impacting your life, or how you think it's just out of reach. What can I do to help?

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