Dr. Brittany Ptak hosts her first episode of the Be Perfectly Healthy Podcast with guest Kashif Khan, CEO of The DNA Company. In this episode the two discuss why our DNA does not dictate our final health outcomes, but how DNA testing can be appropriately harnessed to help us make empowered health and lifestyle decisions. Kashif explains how the DNA Company test looks at 85 different genes that affect sleep, immune system, diet, exercise, detoxification and more.

This simple saliva test is now offered by the Center for New Medicine and we are ecstatic for our patients to be able to utilize the information from this simple DNA test. See information below to order your test today, no doctor's order is necessary!

To learn more, order your DNA test, and receive your 360 report see below.

First, visit cfnmedicine.dna.clinic Click 'Scan Your DNA' then click 'Get Optimized'Order your test from here and the DNA Company will mail you everything you need.Once you receive your results, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ptak to review your results and more in-depth receive clinical recommendations.

Where to Find Drf. Ptak

Website: CFNM Bio

Center Information:

Website: Cancer Center for HealingWebsite: Center for New Medicine

Where to Find Host, Leigh Ann Tahami

WebsiteThe Accrescent PodcastInstagram