If you want to stand out in any industry or company, learn to speak and communicate with confidence. Whether you’re a careerist, employed by an organization or working for yourself and building your own company, public speaking skills will have you standing out, being seen and the one that gets promoted and hired. From my executive coaching day, I know as you climb the corporate ladder, the more meetings you’ll attend and will need to speak up. Bright people get passed over for promotions because they didn’t want to stand out and speak up. After our work together they became more confident speaking to one and many. Career changer! Speaking is the fastest way to grow your business. The time to get seen and heard is right now. Stop struggling to build your business and fill your client roster, when you can easily be positioned as the expert and monetize your authority.

Check out this episode to learn more how speaking skills changed my life and how you can learn from the steps I took to now call myself a ‘reformed shy gal.’


Here’s a snippet of what you’ll learn:

Most people aren’t afraid of speaking in public, they’re afraid of what others will think. That internal judgment is holding you back and here’s how to overcome that judgment. Speaking and communication skills never go out of style. Learn how to leverage these skills to elevate your personal brand to get promoted and hired by your ideal clients.  If you’re ready to get started, here are a few tips to get you started a little step at a time that you can incorporate into your career and business easily today.

It’s never too late to learn the timeless skill of speaking or communicating with confidence.


Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Grab the FREE resource Go from Unknown to Visible. Follow me on Instagram: @laurieann.murabito
For more about me and what I do, check out my website. If you’re looking for support to grow your business faster, get fully booked and profitable, schedule a call to explore if you’d be a good fit for one of my coaching programs. 


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