Stuck on how to explain what you do without getting that glossed over look?

If you’re wondering where your next client is coming from, don’t understand why everyone and their brother hasn’t hired you yet or you can’t remember the last time you had a sales call, keep reading.

In this episode I’m talking all about how to explain what you do so that your audience understands. Seriously, sometimes you have to say the same thing is a variety of different ways until one of them lands perfectly. I’ll show you how to say the same thing in a variety of different ways so your calendar has sales calls again and your roster is full.


Here’s a snippet of what you’ll hear in this episode:

Start with the essence of what you do and working your way from that center point
An exercise that helps you mind map different ways to explain what you do with finesse, so people understand you
Using the quote, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Grab the FREE resource Go from Unknown to Visible.
Follow me on Instagram: @laurieann.murabito
For more about me and what I do, check out my website.
If you’re looking for support to grow your business faster, get fully booked and profitable, schedule a call to explore if you’d be a good fit for one of my coaching programs. 


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