How much should I be charging? How can I raise my rates? 2 common questions I hear around money and pricing.


Money can be so triggering, especially for many women who are building their business. There seems to be a stigma for charging money for what you enjoy doing and NOT doing it for the money. I want you to be able to pay your bills and more, while sleeping at night knowing what you do is serving others to do their best work. It’s a domino effect.


Here’s a snippet of what you’ll hear in this episode:

There is no standard on rates in the coaching industry! My clients know I’ll coach them out of their ‘beginner rates’ mentality People put value on what they pay for. It’s imperative your rates reflect your value and the market you’re working with The exact exercise I run my clients through to determine their prices, so they pay their bills and aren’t working 24/7 YHow to own your value and expertise before anyone will feel confident in hiring you


PLUS, I want you to feel good about the exchange of service you give your clients and the money you’re receiving.

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Join us in the Private Facebook Community - Entrepreneurs Making An Impact  Grab the FREE resource Go from Unknown to Visible. Follow me on Instagram: @laurieann.murabito For more about me and what I do, check out my website. If you’re looking for support to grow your business faster, get fully booked and profitable, schedule a call to explore if you’d be a good fit for one of my coaching programs. 


This episode is brought to you by: Acuity Scheduling, the application for all your scheduling, payment and appointment reminders. This all in one easy place for clients, sales calls and interviews to book their own appointment with you to fit their schedule and you’ll never worry about time zones again! For a limited time try it for free with no credit card.


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