Make this year epic by transforming into the person you've always wanted to be, one month at a time.

Let’s kick off the new year by sharing a unique approach to setting and achieving goals. Instead of making lofty New Year's resolutions that quickly fall by the wayside, why not choose 6 things you want to change over the next 12 months.

Devote a full month (or even two) to instilling each new habit, skill or boundary. This concentrated effort makes it more likely to stick. Before you know it, you'll have built the scaffolding to become the person you envision being, whether that's a public speaker, healthy athlete or boundary-setting expert.

Check out what you’ll learn:

Why choosing only 6 things you want to change this year will lead you down the road to success and that feeling of accomplishment.Give each change a 1-2 month time period to cement in to your life, while feeling natural and effortless.Envision who you need to become to achieve your goals, then act as if you're already that person. Because what got you here won’t get you there.Use reminders and check-ins to keep yourself on track, so that you don’t forget what’s important to you.Give yourself permission to modify goals or systems as needed.

Transformations can feel overwhelming. Let’s break it down into bite-sized wins. Ready to step into the best version of yourself over the next 12 months? Tune in now to get started!

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Grab the FREE resource Directory of Places to Speak me on Instagram: @laurieann.murabito and read more into over on my website. https://SpeakAndStandOut.comIf you’re looking for support to grow your business faster, get fully booked and profitable, book a call to explore if you’d be a good fit for one of my programs. schedule a call at.

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