Thinking about using speaking as your best form of organic marketing?  But wondering what a signature speech is and why you need one? 

A signature speech is similar to a signature story that you use over and over again. It’s that speech or story that you share and it sounds conversational, authentic and engages you with your audience.

Who needs a signature speech?

Learn about that and more in this show as I discuss in-depth what a signature speech is, what the benefits are, and if it’s the right move for you if you’re looking to scale your business and impact.

Check out what you’ll learn:

Understand what a signature speech is and what the benefits of having one will do for your personal and business brand. Discover my 3Cs that must be included inside of a signature speech, so that you look like a pro right from your very first speech even if it’s your very first time.Where to use your signature speech and how to use the different segments in a variety of situations, so that you repurpose and reuse.Get ready to be ready. Uncover if you need a signature speech and the many benefits you and your business will experience from having one.

Ready to learn how to craft a speech that shares value and pulls in clients with ease? Get on my waitlist for In Demand Signature Speech and be the first to know when the doors open up again!

"Speaking is the fastest way to grow your business."

Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

Grab the FREE resource Go from Unknown to Visible.Follow me on Instagram: @laurieann.murabitoFor more about me and what I do, check out my website.If you’re looking for support to grow your business faster, get fully booked and profitable, schedule a call to explore if you’d be a good fit for one of my coaching programs. 

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