Heyyyy there, listener!! Welcome to the BE ENCOURAGED! Podcast Community! 
I am so delighted to have you join me today on episode # 99 with Delphine Kirkland! 
Delphine brings the ENCOURAGEMENT, to anyone and everyone who has felt ...
feels like they've strayed away from God,
waiting for that healing --- that miracle in their life, 
or for the breakthrough to come! 
Delphine has battled a journey like no other. She has felt some of those things and I know I've felt most of them at different pivot points in my life as well. It's hard when you feel defeated and discouraged and your faith tank is low --- or maybe non existent right now. 
The truth of the matter, that can happen. The rug can be pulled out from underneath us before we even realize it and we can be "sleep" walking through life with very little hope left in us.
That is why this 99th episode is SO important. I needed to remind us all that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! That Jesus fought for the 99 and for the ONE --- the one who has wandered off --- the one who needs to know that GOD knows what you are going through and will not fail you now! 
Delphine reminds us to stand firm in His word, be a prayer warrior for one another, and do not store up your testimonies but to share them! That is how we battle with faith. That is how God moves beyond borders. That is how we become victorious and know it --- because of the Good Word and the Good Word we share with one another! Thank you, Sister Delphine Kirkland for being a light unto all our paths on episode 99!!! 
On top of being an encourager, Delphine is a three timed published author!  Her three books, are inspired by life and her journey with God and walking by faith, even when it was hard. 

"Just Jesus and Me"
"Hiding God's Word in my Heart"
"Family Time with God" (devotional)

I promise you that this episode will bring you HOPE and a TON of encouragement! 
So grab your cup of coffee, get on your walk or run, or wherever you are ----- BE ENCOURAGED! 
Let's Go! 
- Jackie 


Learn more about Delphine and where to order her books at by clicking the link below.  https://delphinekirkland.com/
Follow on social: @delphinekirkland_
Bible Verses from today's episode: 

         Matthew 18:12 Parable of the Lost Sheep and Luke 15:1 - 32 - Parables of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Lost Son. 


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