Welcome to the BE ENCOURAGED! Podcast! I am your host Jackie Brindle and you are listening to episode # 93!
Here, on the BE ENCOURAGED! Podcast, I love to have conversations that are uplifting. But sometimes what’s uplifting is knowing that you aren’t alone through life. And like my kids —-- life can get messy and it feels like your’e always cleaning up messes in every room. The plans of the day can change quickly, especially if you have little ones in tow.
Much like life, our stories can be filled with messes and plans that don’t work out and can completely change us.
Especially, when life throws you a curveball.
Here’s the thing, if you’ve been listening for a while, you all know that I am a fan of Joyce Meyer’s Talk it Out Podcast, since I had the co hosts on the show a while back on episode 84. If you havent’ listened to that one, I highly encourage you to go back and do that! Those girls are fantastic!
As I got to know Jai, I thought it would be great to bring her on board for a deep dive into one of the biggest curve balls she’d ever have to face, divorce. Although, we may not all relate to divorce, for you it might be something different.
For me, I related to the emotion of not being able to let go of what was and picking up the pieces of the here and now.
Change. It hurts. It is not easy.
But here’s the questions I found myself asking Jai and myself. And now I am going to ask you —-
What can change teach us? What can we learn from change? These are questions we unwrap a bit together.
Will you join me and jump into this… not so sugar coated, conversation of pressing onward through hard changes, with me?
Great! Let’s grab your cup of coffee, get on your walk or run, or wherever you are… BE ENCOURAGED!

Talk it Out Podcast: https://joycemeyer.org/todaysshow/talkitoutpodcast
Learn more about Jai by following her on Instagram @jaitalks 


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