Welcome to BE ENCOURAGED! Podcast! This is episode number 47! 
Encouragement needed to support one another through the milestones, but also in the NOT so bright days of our lives! Today's conversations is on a very hard topic: Losing a loved one.
Even just speaking that sentence out loud does not bring a very encouraging tone. It’s a tough one to talk about.
When you love hard, you grieve hard! Also, there’s a lot to process and unpack, when a wave like that, hits.
That’s why I want you all to listen in to my guest speaker Amber Dewire. She bravely shares her story and offers up hope, peace, wisdom, and comfort. Amber is also a writer of the blog called, Ministry of Cullen. https://ministryofcullen.wordpress.com/
I have read her writings and I am always amazed at how she points it all back to her faith and trust in God at the end.
In this episode, Amber touches on how she untangled and still untangles the sadness, trauma, and guilt that she experienced and experiences.
Let’s face it, sometimes life can feel like the waves of grief are never ending, but with her story --- I pray it will bring you wisdom, hope, comfort, and peace!
I want to thank Amber as she was courageously vulnerable here! That takes courage!
The Ministry of Cullen is an example of how much God loves us and wants to make us whole again, even when we experience terrible heartbreak and brokenness. I pray this brings you peace and comfort as we are all reminded that Life is a fragile gift and to be thankful for each day we get to be in it with the people we love!
So Pull up a seat, get cozy and ....BE ENCOURAGED!
Resources to refer to, suggested by Amber Dewire. 

“Through the Eyes of a Lion” by Levi Lusko

“It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way” by Lisa Terkhurst

“A Grief Observed” by C.S. Lewis

“Path of a Fellow Struggler” by John R. Claypool

“Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown

“Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering” by Timothy Keller

“Life Without Lack” by Dallas Willard

Bible References Matthew 18:10, Romans 8:1, 2 Corinthians 2


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