Are you a dreamer? Do you ever have such vivid dreams and want to know if there’s meaning behind them or if it was just the junk food you ate before you went to bed? 

Lately, I have been getting a few dreams that I simply cannot shake. These dreams feel so real that God is trying to tell me something. 

Did you know that a third of the Bible was about someone’s dreams? The Pharoh’s dream that Joseph interprets in the Old Testament, Jacob’s dream, and Joseph’s dream when God spoke to him to marry Mary. There are so many times when God still grabs our attention through dreams and wants to encourage us. 

Dreamer or not — you are going to want to listen in to the encouragement today on the BE ENCOURAGED! Podcast. Hi, I am Jackie Brindle, your host and this is episode 115 with guest speaker, Mandy Owen. 

That’s why I am so excited for all of you to meet Mandy Owen. Dr. Jamie Morgan connected us through her Trailblazer Mentorship program. I asked her what she had to say about my dream, and immediately pointed me to Mandy. She told me this woman has a very special gift that is biblically sound. Mandy has God-given prophetic gifts and she desires to help others to encounter what God might be saying to them. Her goal is to keep her eyes on serving the Lord and encouraging others to see what God is expressing to them while they sleep. How cool is that!? 

I love that it says in Acts 2:17 

“‘In the last days, God says,    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy,    your young men will see visions,    your old men will dream dreams.

I don’t know if it’s the end times — but it does seem to me that God is going to call on his people through His spirit, and you might be encouraged to keep on dreaming! 

Check out her link at below! 

So let’s grab your cup of coffee, get on your walk or run, and wherever you are — BE ENCOURAGED!


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