Season 2 is about everything Spirituality!

Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Development
Spiritual Alignment

Connecting with your Higher Consciousness
Connecting with your Angelic realm
Connecting with your Spiritual Counsel

With Mental Health on a Rise, and being someone that has suffered years of depression, the virus of people pleasing and losing my confidence was when I realized I wasn't functioning from my TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF. 

Trying to be someone you're not is more difficult. 

BEING YOU, is what the WORLD NEEDS more of.

In season #2 we give you permission to step into your DIVINITY with GRACE and SELF-LOVE by setting healthy boundaries, recognizing what you will allow in your space and what you won't, how you choose to speak to yourself and how you allow others to speak to you.

How much financial freedom you allow in your life and how much you block from your life..


Spiritual Awakening isn't always easy, it's worth it.

Season #2 is about bringing light to your soul and laughing through the difficult moments, in order for you to find Peace within Yourself.

Welcome to Season #2 I look forward to continue being your host and bringing laughter and knowledge to the airwaves to help you heal from the hurt your body is holding onto.

Leave us a comment and let us know what you want to hear more of..

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With Love, Clarity and Abundance