If you aren't positioning and presenting yourself and your offerings the right way, you could be leaving as much as $250k on the table.  What would it mean to you if you could close this gap and finally attain the abundant business and life you’ve always imagined?  In this episode, we unveil the 4 ways your brand could be holding you back by leaving mounds of money on the table. Show up ready to answer the tough questions, and set a new plan of action to get your brand on track and make your business massively profitable. 

Episode Highlights:

00:00 Introduction: The Importance of Branding

00:31 The Cost of Not Maximizing Your Brand...

01:16 Four Ways Your Brand Could Be Losing You Money

01:19 The Power of Positioning and Attracting Ideal Customers

03:02 Differentiating Yourself: The Key to Standing Out

04:18 The Cost of Lack of Focus in Business

07:19 Clarity in Offering Solutions: A Must-Have for Success

09:52 Conclusion: How to Get Help and Improve Your Brand