This collection of episodes I’m re-sharing with you is part of the Intuitive Creators™ series, in which we are highlighting tools and mindset that will help you get to your next version of your desired self. As well as obstacles you may experience. 

Like. in this episode, which features my good friend and TV Writer Greg Locklear on the subject of Imposter Syndrome. This topic is interesting because it’s a good example of the on-goingness of a growth journey, meaning Imposter Syndrome can happen at any time of the journey but I think it especially happens during times we are stretching ourselves, challenging ourselves to step INTO that new version of ourselves. So much like how fear works, it’s something that can be lessoned in its intensity and it can be there and not get in the way of your next steps. So that is actually the goal. Not to get rid of it but to find and apply tools to continuously work with it.

I brought my lapel mics and field recording device to visit Greg in his new Hollywood home so we could talk casually and comfortably which we very much did.

We relate over old café conversations about how we would build our dreams, the difficulties of living in Los Angeles, our shared lives in the hospitality industry and of course more specifically Imposter Syndrome. 

Gregory's background includes:

Producer of an award winning indie documentary called Corman’s World: Exploits of A Hollywood Rebel  Script coordinator on TV Series like I Love Dick, Transparent, Happy!, and Project Blue Book. Director’s Assistant on Marco Polo.  Script Coordinator on the Netflix series On Fate: the winx Saga Season 1 And now staff writer of Season 2 of Fate: the Winx Saga.


Find Gregory Locklear:

Instagram: @greglocklear

IMBD: Gregory Locklear

Join me here:  Intuitive Creators Academy & Collective






Music Credit & Licensing:

Upbeat by Jon Luc Hefferman - Production Music

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