"Imagine if you were born with a disability. A disability that despite many painful surgeries, still left your right side shorter than your left and your right hand unable to make a fist. Can you picture what school or a simple trip to the mall would be like, needing to stop and rest more that anyone else your age?

Keah Brown, 28 year-old best-selling author, advocate and public speaker, was born with cerebral palsy in Western, New York State. And although Keah’s mother did her best to shield her daughter from the petty cruelties of her peers, eventually one of Keah’s classmates made fun of her at school, bringing a spotlight to her differences. An act which changed the way she saw herself forever." 

That excerpt was written and originally read by Laura Cathcart-Robbins and is taken from the introduction to one of my favorite episodes of a podcast that Laura hosts called THE ONLY ONE IN THE ROOM, which I had a hand in helping create and continue to serve as the executive producer. The full episode is number 26 and is called “Keah Brown Is The Only "Pretty One" Speaking Out Against Ableism”.

The reason I’m sharing this with you is because I had the privilege to have a deep and candid talk with Keah Brown and the incite and depth that Keah shares is so beautiful and her focus of listening to each other to create change is powerful in its simplicity. She helps us understand that the most powerful thing you can do for yourself and for the world, is to believe in yourself and spend time becoming aware of your abilities. It then becomes that much easier to see those things in each other. 

More From Keah Brown:

Read The Pretty One 

Finding Keah Brown:

Twitter & Instagram: @keah_maria

Website: www.keahbrown.com 

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Stay positive and safe out there. I'll see you on the other side.

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