Our inspiration-packed Season 5 is coming next week starting on Tuesday for full interviews with the podcast players in the industry that have a how-to spirit and entrepreneurial heart. I chose these people specially because they are connected to their why, their creativity and also know a little something about making sh*t happen. And to boot, we are launching a twice-a-week season, with bonus quick 10 minute episodes featuring the guest's expertise on Wednesdays!

Listen to the end of this episode for your 3 easy tips to getting unstuck. It's a classic and it's simple. 

Check out @upcycledlafurniture on Instagram as mentioned in the episode.

Do you have a question you'd like to ask on Be Bold Begin? We'll feature it on the show and offer answers in an upcoming episode. Just email us here: [email protected]

Thinking of starting a podcast? Get the FREE companion Podcast Resource Guide now: bebold.avanthausmedia.com/podresourceguide

Connect with Barsi on IG: @thebarsi

Visit our company website www.avanthausmedia.com for any podcasting or media creation needs.

Stay positive and safe out there. I'll see you on the other side.