On today’s episode of the Daily Battle will be diving into the topic of chaotic staff meetings and how to kill the chaos and ineffectiveness of staff meetings. By implementing systems and specific frameworks, you can become proactive instead of reactive.

Along the way, course correcting is crucial to keeping yourself and your business on track and on course to hit your goals. Learn more about how to have productive staff meetings that are effective, efficient and productive during this episode. Keep in mind that you can’t do everything yourself. Because of this, your systems are so incredibly important. Your systems ultimately manager your business.
In this week’s episode:
Takeaway #3: Follow and system and format
If you follow a specific plan and procedure, you will foresee problems with potential staff members.
By having a proper framework, there will be less stress and you will know what exactly is going to take place.
Takeaway #1: Allow your system to manage the staff
As a leader, you manage through your system.
When necessary, make sure to course correct on systems that aren’t optimal.
Are your systems executing?
Takeaway #2: Consider implementing two staff meetings a week
The first one should happen on Monday. It sets the tone for the week.
These two meetings should have different focuses.
Set the tone and culture of each meeting.
The second meeting of the week should focus on numbers and how to course correct for next week.