Be Battle Ready: Daily Battle #13 Chris Prefontaine - Leadership

On today’s episode of the Daily Battle, I am speaking with Chris Prefontaine. Chris is the bestselling author of Real Estate On Your Terms. He is a real estate investor with over 27 years of experience in the field. Chris is the founder of Smart Real Estate Coach and also has a podcast.

He runs a family company where they buy and sale throughout New England. They also coach students. They have a vested interested in getting them to the finish line.

Learn more about Chris, leadership and how he got to where he is today during this episode. Your business will never outgrow you or your leadership abilities. It’s essential to establish values in a company as a leader, and then have a meeting flow that follows those values. A meeting is a microcosm of the rest of the culture.
In this week’s episode:
Chris’ perspective on leadership
Constantly growing as a leader
Establishing values in a company as a leader
Where Chris came from and his experiences
Going from knowledge to getting the deal
Growing as a leader
Chris’ most significant victory as a leader
Interpersonal communication and interpersonal relationships
Putting yourself in a place of power
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Guest Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 855-667-7336 x 805