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Welcome the arrival of our new associate pastor, David Glavin, as we launch into a spirited dissection of Acts 10:9-16. Ever wondered how Peter's response to God's vision contrasts from Cornelius'? We'll unearth the fascinating triad of Peter's denial, Jesus' affirmation, and Peter's endorsement of Jesus. Get ready to be enlightened as we interpret the text and share our reflections.

 We'll grapple with how these verse reflects on the transition of gospel and encapsulates the whole book of Acts. Discover how Peter's vision, filled with clean and unclean animals, disrupts his previous understanding and how this can resonate within our own lives. We'll also touch upon Cornelius' prayerful attitude and how we can all strive to deepen our connection with God.

Finally, we'll traverse the narrative of Peter and Cornelius, focusing on God's pursuit of them even in the midst of Peter's reluctance. Join us as we reflect on how the Holy Spirit guides and directs us in discussions about Jesus and the importance of the gospel. Get ready, this discussion is one you won't want to miss!