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Bart Huges, a former medical student from the University of Amsterdam and the grandfather of modern trepanation, recounts meeting with John Lennon in the 60s.

Huges, already having bored a hole into his own skull with a basic drill, was approached by Lennon who told of his desire to open up his own “third eye”. Huges advised that Lennon needed no such intervention. “Third eye people are your kind of people,” Huges told Lennon. Because of Lennon’s creative talents and the fact that a small percentage of the population has a skull with a naturally formed hole, Hughes deduced, “there’s no doubt about it, you have the hole.”

Lennon was unconvinced. “He kept wanting it,” Huges remembers, “and I kept contradicting him.”

Finally, Yoko chipped in. Hear Huges tell it all......